Our website reimagined

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The future of wellness.

New website banner video featuring our work

Our new website redesign is live!

With the news of our brokership with Harmonic Energetic Technologies, Inc., we developed a new look for our main website, restarting each page from scratch and building a professional new layout with more information about who we are and what we do.

Our new About Us page features new information about our company mission and the future of BWC, while emphasizing our awesome team of biofeedback, health, and technology professionals.

The new Services page now features information about all of the services we offer in one place, from biofeedback and biomodulator therapy to new offerings such as PEMF therapy and Red Light therapy.

Our testimonials are now featured on their own page: Stories of Success, highlighting the greatest experiences from clients throughout the past few years.

Finally, our two webpages on the LIFE System have been consolidated to one page with all things LIFE. There, you can learn more about the LIFE System, how it works, what it can do, and how to purchase your own.

We hope you enjoy these and more reimagined pages on our website: https://biofeedbackwc.com

Blake Bingham

Biofeedback Wellness Center


BWC is now an official broker for LIFE System (HET)


Stephanie Holland, BS, & Dr. Gena Keeling, DVM, named Master Trainers for HET